Core Curriculum
The University of New Mexico has adopted a revised Core Curriculum, which all undergraduate students must complete as part of their baccalaureate program. Additionally, all UNM Los Alamos degrees and certificates build upon the foundations of the Core Curriculum.
The Core consists of several groups of courses designed to enhance each student’s academic capabilities. Its goal is to give all students a grounding in the broad knowledge and intellectual values obtained in a liberal arts education and to assure that graduates have a shared academic experience.
The basic Core Curriculum requires approximately 37 hours of courses in seven areas of study: writing and communication, social and behavioral sciences, mathematical reasoning, scientific methods in the physical and natural sciences, the humanities, the fine arts, and languages.
The Core consists of lower-division courses, which develop these skills and abilities, and students are strongly encouraged to complete the Core early in their college careers. Individual student substitutions should be minimal and are discouraged.
Link to UNM Core Curriculum to download the current UNM Core Curriculum Worksheet.